Full Annual Calendar
West Lake location: Get the full 2024-2025 calendar here. South location: Get the full 2024-2025 calendar here.
West Lake location: Get the full 2024-2025 calendar here. South location: Get the full 2024-2025 calendar here.
Saturday, 1/4 - Spring Semester begins, both locations. Monday, 1/6 - not a CW holiday for either location. Wednesday, 1/8 - TMTA Whitlock Theory Test entry deadline. Monday, 1/20 -...
Wednesday, 2/5 - TMTA Performance Contest entry deadline. Saturday, 2/8 - ADMTA Baroque and Classical festival at UT. Sunday, 2/9 - TMTA Whitlock theory test at UT. Friday, 2/14 -...
Wednesday, 3/5 – World of Music and Steinway Piano Gallery Concerto Contest entry deadlines. Friday, 3/14 - Not a CW holiday - regular lessons and theory classes will occur. Saturday-Sunday, 3/15-23 – Spring Break for CW South. No lessons or theory. Monday-Sunday, 3/17-23 – Spring Break for CW West Lake. No lessons or theory. Wednesday,...
Saturday, April 5 – ADMTA Romantic/Contemporary festival at UT. Wednesday, April 9 - Registration deadlines for: Ella Louise Burba Piano and Scholarship Contests, Kate Schedler Scholarship Contest and Janet Russell...